new political landscape


“There’s no-one to choose from!”

Ah, politics! Who on earth wants to sit through endless, mind-numbing meetings going over minute details on unemployment strategies, economic policies, health reforms, obscure laws …? A list of things that, I will concede, when thinking about ideas, about improvements, about the bigger picture, can be interesting, and, of course, are vital for us all. But the reality for any budding politician starting on a local level is meetings full of insular pedants: small-time career politicians who haven’t actually lived much in the real world. Politics is a game – you support your football team, you stick with your football team – the name of the game is to try and get power by showing everyone that the other side is atrocious!

My little ramble there is to help me think about why there are not enough women in politics. It’s not just because they’re discriminated against, I think it’s because politics is just not an appealing sector to dedicate your life to. So, in the end, the political shelf gets filled up with businessMEN on a power high, looking for ways to make more money and connections, or the career politicians I’ve mentioned, or other irritating people who want to get involved in that weird little world because they want to feel important. Or they just enjoy boring meetings. I’m sure, also, there is the occasional, well-meaning and dedicated individual who wants to make a difference, but they are the exception.

So, how can we change this stale political landscape? I propose that a small, well-functioning country does a little experiment – for the good of humanity. The current standard election process of electing the same old politicians gets chucked out the window and they do this:

  • Draw up a list of vital functions in society – teachers, vets, doctors, tradesmen, salespeople, retirees, unemployed, whatever else.
  • People nominate who they want to represent them from their own group.
  • Each group then elects the person they want to represent them.
  • These ‘best of type’ then ‘serve’ their country for five years as the elected representatives.
  • They, in turn, elect a chairperson (not a president or prime minister, please) each year. Yes. Each year. No time for a power high.

I think this would crosscut through all the various layers of discrimination that currently exist in politics, because people would be choosing real people, not politicians. (I accept that some refinement to this model may be required, as it’s been bashed out in half an hour.)