why is sex pleasurable?


One of life’s great mysteries is sex. Why does it feel so good? Why is it an all-consuming drive that haunts us from our adolescent years on? One kooky evolution type theory tries to suggest that this tendency to enjoy rubbing our hot spots, which incidentally can lead to the arrival of new human beings, is key to the continued success of a species. I mean, really, next they’ll be suggesting that our tailbone used to have a tail connected to it!

Thankfully for my readers, I stumbled across this piece of Christian advice, that helps clear up the mystery of sex being pleasurable:

Sex is by far one of God’s best ideas! Don’t you agree? I imagine the Creator could have made procreation a behavior that brought little pleasure and only engaged our bodies, completely detached from the wealth of a soul and spirit experience. What a bummer sex would have been if that were the case.

Thankfully our Maker decided to be very creative con­cerning our sexuality. Not only does your body go through the greatest physiological changes, but when engaging successfully in sex you also experience the highest chemical reward possible for your body.

Once you experience sexuality as God intended it, you will never be able to settle for less again—I guarantee it. It is an incredible journey that offers awesome rewards.

This journey, which I call Sex, Men and God, involves a process—there is no magic bullet. If you choose the process, ahead of you lies a journey during which equipping, informing and for many, healing will take place. When you reach the end of this journey you will be a sexually successful man who can be fearless in prayer, a threat to the enemy of our souls and a spiritual blessing to your wife, family, church and community.

God’s gift to men is our sexuality. It is a divine gift that we have from birth to death. Yet, as men, we are misunderstood many times because of our God-given desire to consummate our marriage regularly.

I also believe that when men appropriately understand their sexuality they will experience three-dimensional sexuality that is wonderful and productive.

The ability to connect with your spouse in three God-given dimensions—spirit, soul and body—can satisfy you so profoundly that you do not even desire sex the next day. Imagine being that sexually satiated on a regular basis; that is sexual success!

Thanks to Nightmares of Jesus for posting the seriously scary video that led me to this stunning revelation that makes it clear that sex is a gift from the god God for his favourite creature, the human man.
