what two questions does every wife ask that most husbands don’t even hear?

The Isaiah 53:5 Project has an answer to this question that I exclaimed makes his post one of the weirdest I’ve ever read. Perhaps the next weirdest bit is that several readers took the time to comment that they thoroughly agreed, that the post is wonderful, powerful and beautiful.

So, without further ado, here are his answers:

1. Do you see me?

2. Do you delight in me?

I don’t know about anyone else, but my partner sees me without me wondering, and I don’t consider if he delights in me because it’s not a question I need to ask. We’re just together and life is.

As well as finding the post weird, it also seriously concerns me that women could be encouraged to think that is natural or desirable for relationships. Relationships are partnerships. A mutual delight in each other is necessary along the way. I’m horrified to think people desire a relationship that is so lacking in confidence and so seeking childish and confused attention.

Here are my two questions:

1. Can you please stop snoring?

2. What’s that weird smell?