being a mere woman

This isn’t slam. Just the reality of the situation – you can think of yourself as a human being – but that won’t change the material reality that you, and the class of people like you (women) – will not be treated as full human beings in society. (The Arbourist)

I think I’ve stumbled across a terrible chasm of awful nestling in the heart of some branches of feminist thinking. They seem to think that ‘society’ = ‘men’, which is kind of embarrassing if you think about it.

Fortunately for me, I know that society is comprised of all people round about me, including many mere women.

Unfortunately for all us, discrimination, lack of opportunity, and inequality that can make us feel less than “full human beings”, is readily available against everyone.

Although I’m a mere woman, my material reality is pretty peachy: unlike all the many homeless men I pass on my way to work; unlike the many men from certain areas of the city who by their clothes and accents are immediately profiled and dismissed; unlike all the immigrant men who have made their way here for various reasons, and are greeted with suspicion or outright hostility; unlike the men struggling under mountains of debt, living a life with trappings they think they need, giving most of their time to largely meaningless work that serves only to line the pockets of strangers; unlike all the men who can’t choose to bear and nurture their own children when they want; unlike many men who struggle to communicate and fit into the world around them.

So, to any feminist men who want to tell me that because of my biological sex I am not treated like a full human being, I want to say: open your eyes! Everyone is disadvantaged in some respect. My glass is brimming, and I live in a society that strives to recognise and address problems of inequality.

Feminist man, the only person telling me or treating me like I’m not a full human being, is you. I may not have every entitlement under the sun, but show me the person who does.