lacking love

Once one understands God’s holiness and man’s sin, the question is not about why God damns people. The question is why He saves anybody at all. (Tiribulus)

It’s difficult for Christians to justify the ‘goodness’ of their god: they believe he has knowingly created billions of human beings only for them to spend most of eternity being tortured.

Some Christians justify this cold, hard fact of their religious belief with interesting interpretations of ‘free will’ (we can all choose), ‘torture’ (more like being denied the love of their god) or ‘grace’ (their god knows everyone and shows mercy). Some Christians choose to avoid facing the idea altogether, preferring to play a supernatural trump card: their god is magic and does not need to make sense.

But other Christians, like Tiribulus above, are happy to embrace this immensely cruel and immoral aspect of the depiction of their god, and with it think the very worst of their fellow humans beings.

The interpretation of Christianity that teaches all babies, children and adults are despicable creatures who deserve eternal torment is an interesting thing to behold. Any thoughts on why it so attractive to so many people? My money is on childhoods lacking in love.

The list of problems that stem from neglect reads like the index of the DSM: poor impulse control, social withdrawal, problems with coping and regulating emotions, low self-esteem, pathological behaviors such as tics, tantrums, stealing and self-punishment, poor intellectual functioning and low academic achievement. (

But perhaps if people can trace the true roots of their negative psychological and/or anti-social impulses, it will help them contextualise why they find comfort in such strange beliefs. And perhaps they can work on other ways of finding peace within themselves that don’t involve embracing a religion that judges and condemns other people, and continues to marginalise women within society.