should African women have access to birth control?

You are wildly mistaken if you think I have an agenda to destroy planned and stable families – actually it’s the futile attempt to sever the link between procreation and sex which does just that very thing. Stop attempting to impose your form of ideological colonisation on a foreign country. Your ideology is nothing more than wishing to adopt a paternalistic approach to poor black women and stop them from breeding by any means necessary. That you want women with little education to be coerced into having contraceptive devices into their body is an absolute disgrace and infringes their dignity. (Blondpidge)

Should women in Africa have access to contraception and legal abortion facilities? Blondpidge argues that it’s paternalistic to give women a choice. She argues that I wish to impose idealogical colonisation on a ‘country’ (ahem) because I suggest every women should have a right to choose if they use contraception, what kind of contraception they use, and if they wish to continue with the pregnancy of any fertilised egg.

Religious campaigners in this day and age are aware that they can’t be entirely open about their agenda. They know it doesn’t work in a discussion like this to say: “My god only wants people to have sex if they are willing to raise a child as a result!” or “Women were designed to breed and breed they must do!“, so they try and obscure their true motivation for entering the public arena with their opinions by throwing illogical secular-sounding arguments around.

So, in the irony of all ironies, I’m accused by a Catholic forced-birth advocate and anti-contraception campaigner of being ‘paternalistic’ and colonial for daring to suggest women should have options to make their own choices.

As I am banned from further inclusion in the discussion on her site, I’ll satisfy myself with pasting my full reponse to her comment here:

Contraception in Africa Melinda Gates and the BBC

I completely understand that you don’t want information that undermines your argument on public display on your page. So, for your private viewing, if you can bear to read it, I’ve answered your questions.

Re the article you’ve read, could you link to it, so we can see the source for this claim?

Here’s the link to the source:

And a WHO factsheets with figures from a few years ago:

You can find more recent estimates (with references) here:

“In Africa, according to the most recent estimates, at least 9% of maternal deaths (16,000) annually were due to unsafe abortion.
About 1.6 million women in the region are treated annually for complications from unsafe abortion.”

I have not once expressed an opinion on when people should or shouldn’t have sex, (if you think this is the case, could you cite precisely where I said such a thing)

When you say “sexual libertinism is inherently unsafe and exposes you to unnecessary risk” – you are giving a clear opinion on when you think people should have sex. Are you afraid to openly clarify that as a campaigner on Catholic families doctrines that you think sex should only be within marriage and, even then, only when people are happy to raise a child as a consequence? Honestly, the fact that you challenge my statement on an obvious part of your belief statement is odd to say the least, and points to the underhanded methods in terms of hiding true intent that go on in these discussions.

You are wildly mistaken if you think I have an agenda to destroy planned and stable families

Okay, I’ll clarify that the obvious result of your misdirected campaign to force women into giving birth to any fertilised egg, is destroying opportunities for people to have children in a planned fashion. I appreciate your religion believes that by attempting to convince people only to have sex within a breeding heterosexual marriage, planned families will be achieved by the god deciding when they have children. But for the rest of us living in reality, we’d rather use the tools available to us to plan for children when we’re in a position to best provide for them.

In summary, do what you want with your own life, but don’t campaign to restrict the options available to any women in any part of the world.