Monthly Archive: February, 2013

the innocent allure of a hot drink

he really could have just wanted to speak to her There’s a bit of confusion in some sectors of the population, hopefully not many, about where the modern feminist expression of female sexuality… Continue reading

is morality timeless?

you are reading the bible like a layman, you can extract meaning but not scholarship I had a dead-end comment chat with a Christian recently.  Not that big a surprise, I guess, as… Continue reading

tips for budding deities

One of those little ironies of life is that although I’m pretty much opposed to the notion of organised religion, I’ve always fancied setting my own up.  For such an exercise, I think… Continue reading

an imaginary exercise for all men (and some women too)

I am a man after all. I would like all the men reading this to indulge me in a little imaginary exercise.  Imagine you live in a world where, because of the biological… Continue reading

areas of sinister control

Sooner or later, the American people will accept Obama’s many invitations to war. It’s interesting viewing politics in the USA from afar.  As a world citizen, I was afraid when George W Bush… Continue reading


If humankind is good, why haven’t there been any perfect people down through history we can look to and emulate? I was asked this question recently in response to my opposition to defining… Continue reading

disobedience part 2

Disobedience: failure or refusal to obey So, as mentioned in the previous post, I have some issues with people branding behaviour they don’t understand or agree with as ‘disobedience’.  But, to be honest,… Continue reading

disobedience part 1

Babies good? Only if stubbornness, selfishness, willfulness, disobedience are good. I never cease to be amazed by the depth and breadth of opinion that exists in the literate world.  So many basic things I… Continue reading

a reflection of those who created it

“I’m going to be a feminist this year!” I understand that it’s natural to want to believe in a supernatural power guiding and protecting (to a certain extent) humanity. It’s comforting and convenient… Continue reading

gun control – the facts behind the ‘facts’ behind the ‘myths’

I’ve recently had a delightful journey into the world of gun facts.  Just google ‘gun facts’, download the brochure and you’ll see what I mean.  Pages and pages of ‘myths’ allegedly debunked by… Continue reading