Tag Archive: language

my evangelical atheism

I think of myself of an evangelical atheist. It’s only recently come to my attention that some other atheists are offended by the very notion. I am evangelical because I am passionate about… Continue reading

choosing language carefully – being considerate

I make no claims to be a ‘nice’ person who is aware of every social nuance, nor am I a calm person who doesn’t enjoy flying off the handle now and then. What I… Continue reading

for the linguistic creationists

Many of you will be familiar with the the cult of Linguistic Creationists and their holy text, the Biblingua, which they believe was revealed in a series of divine whispers from the omniscient… Continue reading

a smarty pants experiment with language, science and religion

Everyone is born an atheist. There are lots of variations on this theme floating about the place. I don’t think it’s completely false. But it doesn’t make any sense. Everyone is born with a… Continue reading