Tag Archive: catholicism

What does Mother Teresa have in common with 25 white men in Alabama?

The greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself. And if we accept that… Continue reading

declare your bias … what are you afraid of?

In the last wee while, I’ve noticed a disturbing trend for Christians to be given a platform in secular debate without explicitly declaring their religious bias. Please don’t get me wrong, I insist… Continue reading

should African women have access to birth control?

You are wildly mistaken if you think I have an agenda to destroy planned and stable families – actually it’s the futile attempt to sever the link between procreation and sex which does… Continue reading

pondering creation

Sometimes, when I’m watching swallows swooping, or funny faced donkeys in a field, or just bumble bees buzzing around flowers, I’m completely astonished I can believe all this is here by chance. In… Continue reading

lacking love

Once one understands God’s holiness and man’s sin, the question is not about why God damns people. The question is why He saves anybody at all. (Tiribulus) It’s difficult for Christians to justify… Continue reading

the child protector wolf in sheep’s clothing

Christians who realise they can’t persuade the rest of the world that homosexuality is ‘wrong’ simply because it says so in the Bible (that’s the book where beating slaves and children are both encouraged,… Continue reading

understanding history, understanding humans

It has been the feminine role through the centuries to strengthen the man, build him up, and hold him to his commitment. Families, mother, father and children have been the NORM for centuries… Continue reading

catholic condom catastrophe

Abortion is not the lesser of two evils. It is a crime. …On the other hand, avoiding pregnancy is not an absolute evil. In certain cases, as in this one, or in the… Continue reading

abortion – what do you want?

Violet; you and others with your outlook on this subject are what is sick in America. God help you. (John R. Hugo on Quiner’s Diner) Surprisingly, I agree with right-wing Christians that high numbers… Continue reading

christians play russian roulette with syrian refugees

Quiner’s Diner published an interestingly xenophobic graphic the other day in their post “The Refugee Dilemma“. A picture of a gun loaded with one bullet, and the words “refugee roulette”. I agree that… Continue reading