Monthly Archive: June, 2015

my favourite bible quotes part 2 – ten generations of bastards

A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD. (Deuteronomy 23:2) Given that many Christians are… Continue reading

when the world goes to hell and a handbasket

The slippery slidey morality core that governs ‘correct’ Christian behaviour has had yet another knock to its centrifugal force. One of the most charming features of the allegedly static Christian morality core is that it is… Continue reading

mandatory rainbows violate right to form opinions

I consider your mandatory rainbows a total violation of my right to form my own opinions. (Insanitybytes) For those of you who haven’t noticed, WordPress has decorated the top bar of our Reader… Continue reading

moral panics and rape hysteria

Rape hysteria creates horrible injustices, depriving the accused of due process (those accused of rape on campus), or depriving people of their good name based on associations and prejudice (Catholic priests). The hysteria… Continue reading

a post for Insanity about the sacrifice of parenthood

Having children is actually a great sacrifice, we give everything we have to help aid and nurture these little beings so they can make their way in the world. (Insanitybytes) This rose-tinted view… Continue reading

a question for Christians – what is heaven like?

As far as I can tell, Christians seem to have quite differing expectations of their impending afterlife. A quick google of Christian sites brings some interesting visions. Some believe their god God sits… Continue reading

what does your heaven look like?

I’m intrigued by the prospect of an afterlife. I’m not incredibly concerned with its location but I am interested to know what believers imagine it will be like. If you’re surrounded by your… Continue reading