Monthly Archive: February, 2017

what morality means

I believe right and wrong are objective. Even if EVERYONE was a sociopathic killer…even if we evolve AWAY from kindness (and into selfishness), we will all be wrong. Morality is objectively correct. mrsmcmommy… Continue reading

why I’m transphobic critical

**Post update 2nd April 2017. Since this was published, the original post it critiqued by The Arbourist has been changed. His title has changed from “Why I am tran critical” to “Why I… Continue reading

why are we here?

Atheist logic says omelettes (and human beings) just appear from nothing and for no reason. Although this quote is quite worthy of my good blogging buddy Silence of Mind, it actually comes from… Continue reading

what atheists are supposed to know

I quoted at least two ATHEIST philosophers who admitted a god would explain things, but Naturalism (alone) falls short. Alex Rosenburg is another ATHEIST philosopher, who wrote a book called “Living Without Delusions.”… Continue reading

evidence for the benefits of spanking

I will not give any more time to this debate; I will not be finding sources. There endeth my participation here. (madblog) At the risk of further enraging fellow blogger ‘madblog’, I’d like… Continue reading

comment of the month – what if god exists?

My best blogging buddy Rautakyy made an interesting comment from an unusual angle, for an atheist. We’re all fairly certain that gods don’t exist, but what if there is some kind of god… Continue reading

enjoy hell: satan hates you

Enjoy hell. Your alternative. Hell is a fact, whether you choose to believe it or not. Once you are in it, its way TOO LATE to become ‘real’ as a person. FYI. Satan… Continue reading

punishing children

when my wife was home alone with two kids, she had to do something with the older child or she could not take care of the new-born. She finally conceded the necessity of… Continue reading

breaking news: more bible translation errors discovered

Meat, substance, power, authority, these are all masculine things, and indeed, the very same things one struggles so hard to find within the church. As Podles so aptly said, to reject the masculine… Continue reading

understanding history, understanding humans

It has been the feminine role through the centuries to strengthen the man, build him up, and hold him to his commitment. Families, mother, father and children have been the NORM for centuries… Continue reading