Tag Archive: jesus

what is a god hater?

haters of God will always make sport of the truth because they love darkness rather than the light. God’s Word exposes their lifestyle of sin and they hate that so what do they… Continue reading

christians run scared on slavery

It’s curious watching Christians panic about slavery. Their holy book is chockablock full of handy tips on how good Christians should behave when it comes to slavery: Slaves, obey your earthly masters with fear… Continue reading

demonic statements from Insanitybytes

How can anyone compare the Holiness of God with a black woman or anything else for that matter? That is pure blasphemy and anyone who is promoting the Shack is in my personal… Continue reading

what atheists are supposed to know

I quoted at least two ATHEIST philosophers who admitted a god would explain things, but Naturalism (alone) falls short. Alex Rosenburg is another ATHEIST philosopher, who wrote a book called “Living Without Delusions.”… Continue reading

breaking news: more bible translation errors discovered

Meat, substance, power, authority, these are all masculine things, and indeed, the very same things one struggles so hard to find within the church. As Podles so aptly said, to reject the masculine… Continue reading

jesus wants a selfish society

Over at Apologetics and Agape, there’s a fantastic video about how socialism teaches people to be selfish. The video suggests that if humans are given health, educational or financial support beyond the age of… Continue reading

hay monsters and gods

My dear friend Wally, over at Truth in Palmyra, has an excellent post ridiculing evolution. It’s called Evolution of the Hay Monster and I encourage you to read it. I was so inspired by… Continue reading

bad research and the dangers of groupthink

Recently there was much outrage over the alleged anti-homosexuality law in Uganda, but if you read the actual law it was speaking of forced sexual contact with minors with the intent to give them… Continue reading

breaking news: bible translation errors discovered

You heard it here first folks! All English versions of the Bible have been mistranslated. This accounts for some Christians around the world getting conflicting advice from their personal discussions with the god… Continue reading

make your choice – who was Jesus?

“You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit… Continue reading