Tag Archive: vegetarian

are christians ‘normal people of normal intelligence’?

You mean to tell me that you consider fundamentalist Christians who distribute those unintentionally amusing religious tracts to be normal people of normal intelligence? I don’t believe it. (Jim) It’s easy to paint… Continue reading

nutritional ethics and sardines

I’ve not eaten any mammals for over 15 years now. I don’t like the idea of a sentient creature suffering and dying for me to chew on and digest their flesh, especially when… Continue reading

living in the gap

Feminism and vegetarianism have so much in common in the ways they are misunderstood. Feminism is often viewed as a fight against men. It isn’t. It’s a struggle to change the direction of… Continue reading

how to deal with sinful urges – tips and hints for christians

We all admit that we sometimes feel the urge to do things we suspect will not have completely positive outcomes. I feel for my Christian sisters and brothers and the challenges they face in this… Continue reading

on vegetarian menus and a lack of sunshine

I’m sick of unimaginative chefs confusing vegetarianism with health food. Most people who don’t eat meat, don’t eat meat because they know it’s unjust to force a sentient being to live a life… Continue reading

absolute morality and killing sentient beings

What is right for human behavior is determined by human nature.  … So if humans are natural omnivores, then you can’t say it is wrong for humans to eat meat.  As far as I… Continue reading

facing up to reality – abortion and slaughter

Most people would agree that humans in general should be thoughtful about their actions and attempt to avoid harm where possible. We shouldn’t continue with traditional practices just because ‘that’s how it’s always… Continue reading

lurking 5: the will of a benevolent god

I’m more than delighted to have the opportunity to return to the lurking series, courtesy of some charming thoughts found here. Most Christians I’ve personally met tend to prefer a benevolent spin on… Continue reading

a fairer society

It seems that as our international society develops, we become clearer about what is useful behaviour and what is harmful behaviour. We have a Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which tells us what… Continue reading

if there’s an afterlife

If it’s not lights out, and there is in fact a surprise afterlife, I have a few requests: I don’t want to be trapped with my family for eternity and forced to populate… Continue reading