Tag Archive: christianity

punishing children

when my wife was home alone with two kids, she had to do something with the older child or she could not take care of the new-born. She finally conceded the necessity of… Continue reading

breaking news: more bible translation errors discovered

Meat, substance, power, authority, these are all masculine things, and indeed, the very same things one struggles so hard to find within the church. As Podles so aptly said, to reject the masculine… Continue reading

understanding history, understanding humans

It has been the feminine role through the centuries to strengthen the man, build him up, and hold him to his commitment. Families, mother, father and children have been the NORM for centuries… Continue reading

the common ground on polarised abortion viewpoints

There has to be some sort of common ground or rational dialog is impossible. (Silence of Mind) In a discussion about the polarised corners of thinking on the issue of abortion, blogger Silence… Continue reading

a pro-life christian worth reading

The abortion debate in the USA seems ever more polarised. And am I right to think that a big chunk of the vote for Trump came from conservative Christians voting on this one issue?… Continue reading

why men know more about childbirth than women

whether or not babies are horrible monsters that for some strange reason decide to take over a woman’s body only to come bursting out like the monsters in the Alien movies […] It makes… Continue reading

deceitful games of anti-abortionists

content warning: post contains explicit discussion on abortion I held in my hand a model of a 12 week old preborn human being, also known as a fetus, or also known as a… Continue reading

moronic comment of the month – comparing abortion to slavery

In a place where it [abortion] is already illegal, it is probably best to keep it that way. In a place where it is legal and common, I doubt there is much that… Continue reading

the smear campaign on BLM

My pastor’s views are still developing (which is not the same undeveloped) on all the related issues, but yesterday he explicitly denounced “Black Lives Matter” as an ungodly secular movement whose objectives are… Continue reading

jesus wants a selfish society

Over at Apologetics and Agape, there’s a fantastic video about how socialism teaches people to be selfish. The video suggests that if humans are given health, educational or financial support beyond the age of… Continue reading