Tag Archive: Thoughts

is feminism misogynistic?

I really don’t think men devalue women, apart from the sex-object thing, as much as feminists do. Feminism seems unhappy that women aren’t men. From where I sit, that seems like a form… Continue reading

enjoy hell: satan hates you

Enjoy hell. Your alternative. Hell is a fact, whether you choose to believe it or not. Once you are in it, its way TOO LATE to become ‘real’ as a person. FYI. Satan… Continue reading

understanding history, understanding humans

It has been the feminine role through the centuries to strengthen the man, build him up, and hold him to his commitment. Families, mother, father and children have been the NORM for centuries… Continue reading

moronic comment of the month – comparing abortion to slavery

In a place where it [abortion] is already illegal, it is probably best to keep it that way. In a place where it is legal and common, I doubt there is much that… Continue reading

do you prefer attractive people?

I’ll continue to prefer more attractive people to less attractive ones in a thousand subtle ways (Jim) It seems to be an accepted fact in some cultures that more attractive people are more… Continue reading

sticking our liberal noses in your life

I would argue though that today’s “liberals” are the authoritarians as they can’t seem to stop sticking their noses in to the most personal aspect of our lives. What kind of lightbulbs to… Continue reading

lefty loserism

VR Kaine gave a great comment about lack of success in leftist movements being down to poor leadership and a culture of ‘loserism’ (which I assume is a synonym for ‘victimhood’, discussed in… Continue reading

the heart of equality

gender roles – thoughts on radical feminism part 2

on the planet Obstreperon, where patriarchy was abolished centuries ago following the Spinster Aunt Rebellion of 3658, “male” and “female” are quaint anachronisms, recollected only dimly by the creakiest and wispiest of superannuated… Continue reading

nutritional ethics and sardines

I’ve not eaten any mammals for over 15 years now. I don’t like the idea of a sentient creature suffering and dying for me to chew on and digest their flesh, especially when… Continue reading