Tag Archive: marriage

christian logic: slavery and homosexual marriage

The The Isaiah 53:5 Project has a very interesting post, Does the Bible condone slavery?, which is an interesting attempt at justifying the unhesitating and enthusiastic support for slavery scattered throughout their written moral… Continue reading

what two questions does every wife ask that most husbands don’t even hear?

The Isaiah 53:5 Project has an answer to this question that I exclaimed makes his post one of the weirdest I’ve ever read. Perhaps the next weirdest bit is that several readers took the time… Continue reading

what should a gay christian do?

I was wondering if you have a post that explicitly addresses how you believe Christians who experience same sex attractions should live their lives in terms of romance. I’d be interested to know… Continue reading

my favourite bible quotes part 2 – ten generations of bastards

A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD. (Deuteronomy 23:2) Given that many Christians are… Continue reading

ridiculous religion: welcome to the sexual lust demon

How do you know you were never truly in love with the person you married? When you need to blame a ‘lust demon’ for making you feel attracted towards someone else. One of my kids,… Continue reading

advice for young Christians on marriage

Many young Christians have the idealistic expectation of enjoying sex in one exclusive marriage of a lifetime. They hope that their god will provide the perfect spouse for their mutual sexual enjoyment. I’m concerned for a… Continue reading

possibly the worst post ever

When it comes to crazy posts from wayward Christians, I sometimes get complacent about just how bad it can get. And then I stumble across something like this: Christian Husbands – You don’t pay… Continue reading

lurking 15: the argument against marriage

I’m reliably informed that from the age of 4, I wanted to get married to a succession of cute boys and have around 99 children. I considered each one in turn to be… Continue reading

lurking 12: the good christian wife

There’s lots of online advice about how to be a good Christian wife. I’ve seen quite a few handy tips recently that I think would benefit a wider audience. Insanitybytes gives her insanely romantic opinion on… Continue reading

woe to those who make unjust laws

In response to the recent bill that’s been passed in Arizona, which will allow Christians to discriminate against same sex couples and refuse them service, I thought it might be nice to draw up… Continue reading