all things good


“because you just never know …”

I’ve been musing once more about why humans believe in deities. Previously, in pause for lightening strike, I put it down to the need for an extension of being parented, of feeling protected. Idly browsing round some of the blogs here, I think I underestimated that old chestnut – the fear factor. Clearly, the idea of being in the world alone is a part of the fear factor. But it seems that people do genuinely hold on to notions of a god just in case it’s true and simply not believing will ruin their fun in a potential after-life.

And this then brings me to the next obvious query for any rational thinker who expects belief systems to be believable. The first of many inexplicable paradoxes: why on earth do Christians (the religion I’m most familiar with) believe their god, who they claim is utter benevolence and all things good, would condemn the majority of its creations to an uncertain and confused existence here on earth followed by eternal suffering? Why would a ‘nice’ being bother to do that? Given that this god is omniscient, I assume it would have a fair idea of what may happen from the outset.

As I human being with reproductive organs, I have the opportunity to make my own little creations. My creations will have free will. I’m going to make life as pleasant for them as I can. When they grow to have their own beliefs and make decisions I disagree with, I’ll be here for them (telling them they’re wrong, naturally!). If I thought for a minute there was a chance that any of my creations would spend eternity in a state of torment, I really would have to reconsider the act of creating them. I have that much of a benevolent sense of responsibility and concern. And I’m not all things good.