thoughts on radical feminism – part 1

Radical Feminism is a term that has only fully hit my radar in recent weeks. Prior to that, I had vaguely assumed they were feminists who were radical, in that they were cool. Radical is cool, right? I thought they fought better, harder and deeper than the rest of us for equality. Actually, I don’t think I was completely wrong in that assumption, but what I didn’t realise was the depth and breadth of standardised radical feminist thought, much of which leaves me scratching my head.

This is a large topic with many fascinating areas, and I’m planning to dedicate a series of posts to look in more detail at a few that particularly interest me.

Much of what radical feminists see in society is obviously based on genuine experience, but I do think there is an underlying and incorrect assumption that their personal experience is universally applicable, and there seems to be a tendency to be blinkered to any other concerns. We are attracted to those who think like us, those with similar life experiences, but we must never fall into a flawed microcosm.

I’m not doing this in an attempt to tear radical feminism apart or heap scorn on those who identify with it. I’m hoping to draw parallels with other ideologies and encourage people to consider that while focusing on the issues of most importance to us, and indeed issues of great importance to humans generally, it’s more than useful to keep our eyes wide open to the rest of the world, and not get too hung up on blame and recrimination.

As someone who was sucked into Christianity for the first part of my life, I’m more than conscious of the dangers of blindly following set ideologies and closely monitored group think. I always feel particularly concerned when I see similar patterns emerging in secular thinking.